David Fitzgerald – Quotes December 8, 2018QuotesDavid Madison Knockout Quote No 372, Fitzgerald, Christ is not the solid rock, but shifting sand Knockout Quote No 362, Fitzgerald, If you ever get hit by this particular cloud of apologetic squid ink Knockout Quote No 360, Fitzgerald, It seems the real sin of Judas is not treachery, petty theft or demon possession Knockout Quote No 359, Fitzgerald, The New Testament sags under the weight of forgeries Knockout Quote No 358, Fitzgerald, Nowhere do the four gospels ever claim to be the work of eyewitnesses Knockout Quote No 354, Fitzgerald, The field of Jesus Studies has failed to verify any single fact of Jesus’ life Knockout Quote No 350, Fitzgerald, Like the pagan miracle workers, Jesus cast out demons and healed the blind, deaf, and mute Knockout Quote No 349, Fitzgerald, The profile of Jesus in the New Testament is composed of stock motifs Knockout Quote No 347, Fitzgerald, Jesus Studies is in crisis—because Christianity is in crisis Knockout Quote No 338, Fitzgerald, The methods that have been devised and employed to tease out hints of the “Real Jesus” Knockout Quote No 335, Fitzgerald, It’s no skin off my atheist nose if it turns out there WAS a Jesus after all Knockout Quote No 334, Fitzgerald, How is anyone supposed to take the Gospels at face value? Knockout Quote No 331, Fitzgerald, It’s no coincidence that the Christians who study the Bible the hardest Knockout Quote No 330, Fitzgerald, Christianity had a good, long run But it is not too big to fail Knockout Quote No 273, Fitzgerald,The fool has said in his heart, there is no god “Exactly! The wise man says it out loud Knockout Quote No 345, Fitzgerald, Like a sweatshop of Rumplestiltskins desperate to spin insistence into ironclad certitude CCKQ No 371, David Fitzgerald, Saying Jesus invented Christianity is like saying Mickey Mouse invented Disneyland